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Ukraine Plunders EU’s Millions for Customs Repair – Mass Media

Wednesday, 02 August 2017 17:12

The European Union demands the report for €10 mln for reconstruction of checkpoints, the part of which is owned by Nasirov’s father-in-law.

The European Union decided to cease relationships with Ukraine within “transborder cooperation PL-BY-UA” and terminate the financing program of three near-border projects for 10.3 mln euros.

The respective document fell into hands of Internet edition Dubinsky.pro.

The edition published the official letter of the program director Paweł Słowikowski to SFS Head Miroslav Prodan specifying the termination of cooperation due to absence of progress. The EU also expects for the report on application of funds under this program until 31 August 2017.

As known, in late 2013, Ukraine obtained funding for such strategic projects:

  1. The full reconstruction of Ustilug checkpoint (5.4 mln euros)
  2. The reconstruction of Rava Russka checkpoint, the procurement of equipment for Krakovets, Shegini and Yagodin checkpoints (2.2 mln euros).
  3. Development of IT infrastructure for customs and border checkpoints: Rava Ruska, Krakovets, Shegini, Smilnytsia, Yagodin (2.7 mln euros).

Dubinsky.pro reports that by tradition, having obtained first tranches in 2014, nothing was built, and the money disappeared.

In particular, the reconstruction of Ustilug customs checkpoint ended with the excavated foundation pit for 3 mln euros. Almost the same story happened to two other programs, under which nothing was done.

“They say that the multimillion tender for the construction of checkpoints two years ago was won by the firm, close to Nasirov’s father-in-law, former SFS Head. By the way, the Ustilug customs checkpoint’s director’s son had got an expensive car, BMW X5, which he boasted of in social media, saying that his father let him drive it”, according to the publication Dubinsky.pro.

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