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NCPA’s Deputy Chairman Radetsky Fined for Non-Reporting of Conflict of Interests

Thursday, 03 August 2017 17:53

The Kyiv’s Dneprovsky District Court fined the deputy chairman of the National Corruption Prevention Agency (NCPA) Ruslan Radetsky for UAH 6.8 ths for non-reporting the potential conflict of interests, the law enforcement source reported to Ukrainian News.

According to him, the judge Andrei Kurilo delivered the respective judgment on Wednesday.

Radetsky was also fined for carrying out actions within the real conflict of interests.

The decision may be appealed in the appellate court.

According to Ukrainian News, in May, the National Police drew up and filed 2 administrative reports to Radetsky due to the violation of anticorruption legislation on the conflict of interests.

Radetsky did not report to NCPA about the existing conflict of interests while considering the letter from the General Prosecutor’s Office and further approved the draft decision on denial of full verification of declarations of the judge of Kyiv’s Pechersk District Court Kristina Tarasiuk for 2015 and 2016.

In March, namely Tarasiuk found Radetsky not guilty of driving under the influence. 

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