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NABU Initiates Criminal Proceeding against Chairman of National Tariff Committee Vovk

Tuesday, 08 August 2017 16:49

The chaiman and members of NEURC are suspected of the ungrounded overvaluation of electricity rates.

The National Anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine suspects the chairman and members of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission of the ungrounded overvaluation of electricity rates, according to the ruling of Kyiv’s Solomensky District Court dated 10 July 2017, published in the Unified State Register of Court Decisions of Ukraine, UNIAN reports.

NABU initiated the criminal proceeding against NEURC’s chairman and members, who, acting in the interests of generating companies – operators of thermal power plants, when forming the wholesale market price, unjustifiably included the formula, which overstates the energy coal in electricity rates.

The court ruling said that NEURC’s officials estimated the forecast wholesale market electricity price at the overstated cost of the energy coal for second-fourth quarters of 2017.

According to NABU’s position, such NEURC’s actions made so that the generating companies – operators of thermal power plants obtained excess profit, while the electricity consumers incurred ungrounded expenses.

Meanwhile, the Rotterdam Plus formula, which led to the economically ungrounded price surge for the electricity, which Energorynok SE purchased from generating companies, was directly mentioned in the document.

In the meantime, the Solomensky court declined to provide NABU with an access to the cash flow statements of DTEK Dniproenergo in PUMB bank in order to proceed with the investigation.

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