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Poroshenko’s Plant Involved in Multi-Million Machinations of The Wall Project – NABU

Wednesday, 09 August 2017 17:23

The border guards purchased armored vehicles for UAH 59.5 mln from Leninsk Forge without there being any need.

The court permitted the National Anticorruption Bureau an access, which allows seizing original documents of the State Border Service on purchasing armored vehicles Triton-0103 from Leninsk Forge.

Such information appeared in the Unified Court Register, UA1 reports.

The access to these documents was received on July 19 within the investigation of embezzlement of state budget funds, allocated for the project “The Wall”.

It was established that the border service, while coordinating the arrangement of Russian-Ukrainian Border, adjacent to ATO zone and the Crimea, signed two contracts with Leninsk Forge Plant for UAH 59.5 mln in November 2015.

The military unit 1498 received four armored vehicles Triton-0103 from Leninsk Forge.

According to NABU data, the vehicles, purchased by the border guards in 2016, were not used for the purpose intended, because they could not fulfill functions, on which the State Border Service reckoned on.

According to the findings of the efficiency audit of the use of public funds, the purchase of these armored vehicles violates the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers №345 on the supply of weapons, military and special equipment during the special period, the emergency period and during ATO.

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