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Court Arrests Three Suspects of Embezzlement of Funds of The Wall Project

Friday, 11 August 2017 16:35

Kyiv Solomensky District Court arrested three suspects in the case concerning the embezzlement of funds, allocated for the construction of The Wall project, for 60 days with the right to post bail, TV Channel 112 Ukraine reports.

The court ruled to take into custody the former director of the first separate construction department of the State Border Service of Ukraine Volodymyr Tselko for 60 days or give bail of UAH 8.5 mln.

Tselko is the officer; he directly supervised the implementation of the project.

“The prosecuting party incriminates that this man signed the certificates of works performed, while the works were not really performed. The suspect denies such charges, so does his defense. The defense said that tomorrow, the appeal will be filed against such ruling. The defense also said that UAH 8.5 mln is an unaffordable amount for a bail, and that is why these funds will not be given”, the TV channel reports.

Previously, Kyiv Solomensky District Court arrested, for 2 months with the right to post bail, Head of the Capital Construction Department of the State Border Service Alexander Atamaniuk for alleged embezzlement of state funds, allocated for implementation of The Wall project.

The same court arrested Director of Information Protection Agency LLC Alexander Kashub for 60 days with the right to post bail, amounting to UAH 3.6 mln.

As known, on August 8, NABU detectives and SAP prosecutors detained six men, allegedly involved in the embezzlement of funds of the so-called project “The Wall”.

The detainees include the executives of the State Border Service and contracting companies.

On the same day, one more man was detained, who, according to the investigation version, fulfilled the role of an intermediary.

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