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Omelian Told When Ukraine’s Negotiations with Ryanair Lowcoster Finish

Friday, 11 August 2017 16:46

Ukraine’s negotiations with the low-cost airline company Ryanair should finish after August 20, Minister of Infrastructure Volodymyr Omelian told 5 Channel.

“We planned totally different story. It should have been a success story, the story of entry of the largest Europe’s airline company in Ukraine. It should have been a clear signal to foreign companies that it is possible, profitable and safe to work in Ukraine”, he said.

He noted that the negotiations with Ryanair were conducted within half a year in absolute confidentiality.

“I try not to interfere now, in order not to accept the next portion of accusations that I did something wrong. Please, now the field is clear, make a deal, show how to do it right. The Prime Minister gave a clear order to Mr. Ryabikin (Head of Boryspil Airport) and the Office for Investment Attraction to complete negotiations with Ryanair. I think it should be after August 20”, Omelian said.  

It should be reminded that after the continuous negotiations, the Irish airline company Ryanair cancelled its plans to enter the airline market of Ukraine. The air carrier explained such decision by the disputes with Boryspil management, which denied fulfilling the agreements, achieved between the airline company and the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

In his turn, General Director of Boryspil Pavel Ryabikin accused the lowcoster Ryanair of the illegal requirements. He also claimed that due to Ryanair’s ultimatum, the airport may incur losses, amounting to UAH 2 billion.

Commenting on the existing situation, Volodymyr Omelian said that International Airlines of Ukraine, the largest airline company of Ukraine, is also guilty of Ryanair’s denial to enter Ukraine’s market.

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