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Gazprom Dramatically Increases Injection in Europe’s Storages

Friday, 18 August 2017 17:12

In the run-up to the forthcoming winter 2017/2018, Gazprom concluded several short-term contracts for storing the natural gas in Europe, Interfax reports quoting Gazprom Group.

The contracts for storing 1.8 cubic meters of active gas (for 44.5 mln euros) were concluded with Slovensky plynarensky priemysel, a.s., Magyar Foldgazkereskedo Zrt., Gazprom Schweiz AG, NAFTA a.s., OMV Gas Marketing & Trading GmbH, MET International AG.

The gas delivery points under the contracts will be the points in Slovakia, Hungary and Austria. They all receive gas through Ukraine.

The contracts became effective from the first week of August. Currently, Gazprom’s statistics shows that in August, the company increased the injection of almost 20 mln cubic meters per day in European storages.

During the previous year, Gazprom Export, from time to time, reported about the conclusion of certain contracts for storing gas with non-affiliated operators. – international trader Vitol, Hungarian MVM. However, it is the first time Gazprom reported about such large short-term deals on the storing market.

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