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Ryanair Tells How It Made Kolomoysky Lower Air Tickets Cost

Friday, 18 August 2017 17:34

The airline company Ryanair said that IAU’s actions on filing lawsuits for declaring the memorandum between the Ministry of Infrastructure and Ryanair invalid are the ungrounded legal threats, according to the airline company’s press release, EP reports.

“Ryanair supports that IAU lowered the cost in response to Ryanair’s offered flights to Ukraine, however, it considers these legal actions to be ungrounded”, according to the press release.

The company reminded that IAU threatened to file lawsuit against Ryanair, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Lviv airport for allegedly “loss of income” as the result of compulsive competition with Ryanair.

“This ridiculous IAU’s requirement evidences that they will stop at nothing to not let Ukrainian consumers use low-cost air flights, which Ryanair provides in 33 other countries”, Chief Commercial Officer David O’Brian told.

“Instead of attempting to compete with Ryanair, IAU will resort to false and ungrounded threats to support their high cost for the flight, reloading and ineffective model”, he added.

“Meanwhile, we welcome the fact that even without Ryanair’s market entry, IAU will have to lower its prices, which will yield benefit to Ukrainian consumers and visitors”, O’Brian said.  

“We keep hope that in future, Ukraine will be able to fully access the widest network of routes and low costs, which Ryanair may offer”, he summarized.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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