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NCPA Proposes Cancelling Declaration of Anti-Corruption Organizations

Thursday, 31 August 2017 16:46

The National Corruption Prevention Agency proposes cancelling the declaration of anticorruption public organizations as well as is against that they submit the annual financial report about their activities, Ukrainian Truth reports quoting NCPA’s press center.

According to the press office, at its session, NCPA approved the opinion on the draft Law of Ukraine On Introduction of Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts on Ensuring Public Openness of Information on Financing the Activities of Public Unions and Use of International Technical Aid, which, in particular, proposes cancelling the declaration of anticorruption public organizations.

“NCPA supports the suggested changes regarding the exclusion of obligation to submit the declaration of public activists, persons, obtaining monetary funds, properties as part of the implementation of programs and projects of technical and other irrevocable aid in corruption prevention and control in Ukraine”, according to the statement.

The agency’s website also says that the National Agency does not support the draft law №6674, in the part, where the public unions are obligated to promulgate the annual financial report about their activities.

“The implementation of such legislative mechanisms contains the signs of such corruptogenic factor as the unreasonable creation of excess burdens for public unions and individual entrepreneurs and is discriminatory, because such requirements are not imposed on other legal entities of public and private law”, as noted in NCPA’s opinion.

As known, on March 27, President Petro Poroshenko signed the amendments to the Law On Counteraction of Corruption, according to the members of anticorruption public organizations are obligated to submit electronic declarations.

Later, Poroshenko submitted for consideration of the Verkhovna Rada the draft laws on cancellation of e-declaration of anticorruption public organizations.

The presidents noted in the press office that the draft laws took into account European and North-American experience in terms of activities of public organizations or their public reporting.

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