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Ukrainian Politicians and Oligarchs Pay U.S. Political Strategists

Thursday, 31 August 2017 16:53

The influential Ukrainians hire U.S. lobbyists for promoting their interests in the U.S.

The influential Ukrainians often resort to the services of U.S. lobbyists, UA1 reports quoting Voice of America.

“The orders of Ukrainian businesspersons usually do not regard to approval of decisions in the Congress. Mainly, the services on governmental relationships or consulting are ordered. For them, the cooperation with U.S. lobbyist is the method of promotion of their companies in U.S, as well as some protection from the pressure inside Ukraine”, according to the message.

Thus, in July, Igor Kolomoysky hired the former Congressman John Sweeney who was in the transition team of Donald Trump, “for lobbying business issues, related to investments to the U.S.”

In March, Victor Pinchuk hired Monica Crowley, who, according to U.S. media, is close to Trump’s cronies – As specified in the application, the purpose of the work is the invitation of U.S. officials for participating in different events, including Munich [Security] Conference”.

The former congressman Jim Slattery was registered as the lobbyist for Trident and Aveiro, which are connected with Yulia Timoshenko – “Before Ukraine’s Revolution of Honor, Slattery actively worked in Washington to support Timoshenko’s release from prison in Ukraine”.

The former people’s deputy from the Radical Party Andrei Artemenko paid 30 thousand a month to the evangelical pastor Dale Armstrong, “who recently filed application for registering him as a foreign agent” – “Artemenko was involved in the scandal, when he reportedly attempted to achieve cancellation of sanctions against Russia”.

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