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Sadovyi Was Caught in Intending to Appropriate State Funds

Friday, 01 September 2017 17:47

According to Lviv City Council, Sadovyi wants to appropriate state funds, allocated for solving city’s refuse collection issues.

The head of Waste Disposal Department of Lviv City Council Ivan Rudnitsky told during the interview about the possible existence of corruption scheme, headed by the city mayor Andrei Sadovyi, on appropriation of state funds, allocated for solving the refuse collection issues of Lviv, UA1 reports.

“It is evident that Andrei Ivanovich is looking for an opportunity how to “appropriate” funds and then find a scapegoat in order to shift the blame and burden of the problem. The state, blocking the work, will be guilty again. The Chairman of the Regional City Administration will be the scapegoat, to whom the obligations on the construction of a plant and new polygon for household waste disposal will be shifted to”, according to the statement.

In the meantime he emphasized: Sadovyi views the waste disposal issue as the manager, not as the politician”.

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