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Return to Eurobond Market: Investors Waited for Ukraine – Bloomberg

Thursday, 07 September 2017 16:50

Ukraine uses the growth of “appetite” to high-yield debts for its return to eurobond market after annexation of the Crimea.

Its three sources also confirmed the information about the placement of eurobonds, which recently appeared in Financial Times. And, according to them, three banks – JPMorgan Chase&Co., Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and BNP Paribas SA – are really selected for transacting this deal, Politeka reports.

Meanwhile, it became known that the influential financial holding company Rothschild & Co provides advice.

According to Bloomberg, in its return to the eurobond market, Ukraine will join Argentina Iraq and Tadzhikistan.

“The issuers consider that now, it is a good time to check the amount of investors’ cash funds and greater readiness to risk”, Chief Fund Manager of London-based PineBridge Investments Anders Faergemann explained.

According to the article, Ukraine is under pressure due to the market entry, because the state will have to spend more than USD 1 bln for debt servicing during the period between 2019 and 2027.

According to Simon Quijano-Evans, Emerging Markets Strategist of Legal & General Investment Management Ltd, there exists a high demand for Ukraine among investors; that is why it will be real enough to attract up to USD 2 bln at the upcoming sale.

“The issue of eurobonds of Ukraine is the most expected on the market in this year, - the economist said. – The investors want to see Ukraine (on the market), using a window of opportunity to extend the maturity of repayment of its short-term debt”.

It should be noted that Timothy Ash, the analyst at BlueBay Asset Management, considers that though the intention to enter the market is positive for Ukraine, it can mean that the country reduces the need in IMF funds. What, as the expert noted, is happening prior to the elections 2019. That is IMF will have less levers of influence on the authorities, trying to make them accelerate implementation of promised reforms.

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