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Poroshenko: Export to EU Increased in First Half Year by 23%

Thursday, 07 September 2017 17:05

Rada managed to accept “inconvenient” for deputies decisions during the promotion of reforms, the President noted.

Petro Poroshenko emphasized the pros after the implementation of reforms in Ukraine, he said while delivering speech in the Parliament when addressing to the deputies, Segodnya reports.

According to him, thanks to the Association Agreement, the export to EU increased by 23% in the first half year, and the EU stake in foreign trade made up 40%. The President reminded that in 2009, the stake amounted to 25%.

“It evidences about the beginning of the process of integration of Ukraine’s economy in EU economy”, Poroshenko said.

He told that the introduction of visa-free regime with EU is the main result of joint reformatory work of authorities and community. According to him, it became possible as the result of fulfilment of 150 points of the plan of visa liberalization. The President noted that the Rada could take decisions, “inconvenient” for deputies, for example, the e-declaration of income.

The President reminded that the living standards sharply decreased three years ago, and the distrust to the authorities is growing.

“The country, which they planned to erase from the political map of the world three years ago, found the strength to fight, change and move forward… but the problems require more attention, than successes. The fact remains that the society is unsatisfied with the situation. It needs to act fast, breathe new life into the fight with corruption and economic transformation. The “conservation” of reforms keeps certain countries at the margin of the progress”, Poroshenko told.

He reminded that the election campaign will start in Ukraine in a year, and the politicians have one year for implementation of reforms.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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