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Auchan Purchases Large Chain of Hypermarkets in Ukraine

Thursday, 07 September 2017 17:40

The Antimonopoly Committee permitted Auchan Retail Ukraine to purchase the distributor of chain of hypermarkets Karavan, the press office of Auchan Ukraine reported, EP reports.

It is noted that after signing the agreement with the distributor Karavan on 20 June 2017, Auchan Retail completed the project of purchase of the company due to the permission for concentration, obtained from the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine on 5 September 2017.

The company will also gradually implement its commercial project and other directions within its new development concept in former stores of Karavan.

The Auchan chain is in 16 countries. Auchan Group is owned by Association Familiale Mulliez. The trade chain of Auchan hypermarkets in Ukraine consists of 11 properties in 5 regions.

The hypermarket chain Karavan has 9 stores, which are located in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Chernivtsi and Zhytomyr.

The chain Karavan was created in 2003 by the businessmen Sergei Khripov and Andrei Gordienko.

In 2013, the owner of DCH Group Alexander Yaroslavsky purchased a stake in Karavan Real Estate Limited.

And, in 2016, the businessman became the sole owner of the chain Karavan, having purchased the stakes from the private equity funds.

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