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Cabinet of Ministers Suggests Carrying Out All-Ukrainian Valuation of Lands

Tuesday, 19 September 2017 16:45

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine suggests carrying out in 2018 the national (all-Ukrainian) normative monetary valuation of agricultural lands around the whole territory of Ukraine simultaneously, according to the Draft Law On State Budget of Ukraine for 2018, №7000, posted on the official website of the Verkhovna Rada, New Time reports.

As said in the draft budget for 2018, the valuation of agricultural lands will be conducted at the expense of state funds, and the technical documentation of valuation will be approved by the central body of the executive power, formulating the state policy in land matters.

Previously, mass media reported that the point of necessity of launching the land market will not be a mandatory condition for allocating the next tranche from the International Monetary Fund to Ukraine.

“President Petro Poroshenko asked to take the question of a launch of land market off the agenda, and IMF Director Christine Lagarde agreed”, the source told.

Bloomberg also informed that the allocation of the next tranche of financial aid to Ukraine from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), totaling $17.5 bln, will be postponed until the end of this year, as the parliament will not implement all necessary reforms before summer holidays.

Later it was reported that the land reform, which should launch a market of agricultural lands, and which was previously a key condition for allocation of the next tranche of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), was postponed.

It should be reminded that in April, IMF Resident Representative Jerome Vacher stated that the implementation of pension and land reforms as well as privatization is the examination for Groisman’s government.

On March 11, 2015, IMF approved a program of crediting Ukraine’s economy, using the Extended Financing Facility, totaling $17.5 bln, for 4 years.

Recently it was reported that the land reform was excluded from the list of IMF’s mandatory conditions.

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