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NBU Governor Tells Whether State Banks Will Be Sold

Tuesday, 19 September 2017 17:40

Acting Governor of the National Bank Yakov Smolii assumes decreasing the stake of public sector in the banking system within the next few years, he said in interview with Economic Truth.

“The National Bank is interested in decreasing a stake of the public sector in the banking system. This task may be completed through the sale of banks or entry of investors in their capitals”, he said.

“Our four state banks are attractive assets, because their problems with non-performing loan portfolio are fully reserved, the banks have a significant client base, highly qualified personnel, high commission income, and operationally profitable”, Smolii added.

According to the acting NBU governor, within the next 2-4 years, it is highly probable that Ukrgasbank will be sold.

“And regarding other state banks, then it is possible that minority shareholders will appear with the package, near to 20%. Many countries have successful experience of getting in on an IPO, however, the positive statistics within several periods, the experience in payment of dividends and developed corporate management are required for achieving the maximum effect,”, he said.

Smolii added that jointly with the Ministry of Finance and international organizations, NBU prepared the draft law on the corporate governance of state banks, as well as worked on the repayment of non-performing loans.

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