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$1.7 Billion Already Confiscated from Accounts of Yanukovich and His Company

Monday, 02 October 2017 17:06

Since the law on special confiscation came into force in Ukraine, USD 1.7 bln – first USD 1.5 billion and then USD 200 mln – were confiscated from the accounts of the former president Victor Yanukovich and his company, General Prosecutor Yuri Lutsenko told during interview with TSN Week, Ukrinform reports.

“I will report two key figures. The first – as per the evaluation of scientific investigation, officially conducted by the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the losses, caused by Yanukovich’s regime to Ukrainian state, reach USD 40 billion. It is one annual state budget…That is why 1.5 billion dollars, which we could return to the state budget as the special confiscation, is just a part of what was plundered by Yanukovich’s organized criminal group. These funds are returned according to the law, court decisions and they raise questions only among those people, who worked in Kurchenko and Klimenko’s structures”, GPOU’s director said.  

General Prosecutor Yuri Lutsenko is confident that Yanukovich will fail to return these funds through European courts, because the law enforcement officers acted under current legislation in accordance with court decisions

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