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SFS and Business Negotiate to Promote Competition Together on Petroleum Product Market

Thursday, 05 October 2017 16:52

The State Fiscal Service and the business strengthen cooperation for ensuring equal competitive conditions for functioning of the petroleum product market.

It was discussed during the meeting of SFS’ Acting Chairman Myroslav Prodan with representatives of oil and gas production and members of the Council for Stimulating Investments and Entrepreneurship, SFS’ Public Council and specialized associations, Ukrinform reports.

“The fifth meeting from the cycle of sectoral business meetings, initiated by SFS management and members of the investment council, was dedicated to the issues of oil and gas producing industry”, according to the message.

According to Prodan, the problem issues, raised by business at such meetings, are solved promptly, if they are in one plane with tax administration. In other cases, as per the results of discussion of these issues, the respective orders are given to SFS’ structural units; the applications to executive authorities and legislators with consolidated proposals of SFS and business representatives are prepared.

“We are interested in creation of favorable conditions for running business on the fuel market. The representatives of these fields funneled more than UAH 50 bln of tax payments to the budget since the beginning of the year. Ensuring equal competitive conditions for all market participants and destroying shadow schemes, we will ensure proper budget revenues”, Prodan noted.

For the last two years, more than 500 business entities, selling combustibles and lubricants through AFS, were inspected. As per the results of conducted documentary inspections, the additional taxes and fine sanction were charged for the amount of UAH 3.2 bln.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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