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Adapting economy and domestic policy to enter an EU FTZ will take three years

Monday, 07 October 2013 15:34


Experience of economic liberalization at WTO accession will come in handy

Anticipated signing by Ukraine of agreement on association and free trade zone with the European Union binds the Ukrainian government to adapt the economy and domestic policy for painless entry into the free trade zone, which may take about three years, the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Iurii Boiko said in an interview with the TV channel «Inter», the press service of the Vice Prime Minister informs.

«Adaptation of customs duties when entering the free trade zone is going to take one to three years. About two years it will take to change technical regulations. In three years Ukraine will prepare the regulations and customs fees for a full-scale free trade zone», he said.

Iurii Boiko also noted that the opening of the European market for Ukraine involves specific requirements for product quality.

«In short, on one hand we get a large market, on the other hand - this imposes certain obligations, so that products meet the market standards», he explained.

The Vice Prime Minister added that at joining the WTO, Ukraine already received a similar experience of adapting its economy and customs duties.

«Main problems and difficulties we had at joining the World Trade Organization, and the way that we have come in the organization - Ukraine already has a similar experience of economic liberalization. We are confident that with adequate preparations we will get through the process without any upheavals, especially since the agreement provides for an adaptation period. We do not just open the market at once», Iurii Boiko said.

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