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Naftogaz Spends 1.8 Bln per Year for Its Maintenance – Vice President

Monday, 23 October 2017 17:05

Vice Prime Minister Volodymyr Kistion said during his interview with ET.

Replying to a question whether he finds it appropriate to liquidate Naftogaz, Kistion responded: “Yes. I consider that we need to conduct demonopolization. NJSC may remain as the legal entity in gas market segment and operate as the gas distributor in full parity with other companies”.

Meanwhile, he specified that it does not refer to the liquidation of Naftogaz and all companies, belonging to it.

“It refers only to the liquidation of superstructure. What does it product? Do you know how much money it spends on its maintenance? 1.8 bln hryvnias per year. These are administrative expenditure for only one superstructure”, he said.

Kistion also noted that in order to start the liquidation process, we need to complete unbundling. Then, according to him, we need to unbundle Ukrgasvydobuvannya, while NJSC can exist as a trader, it is its right.

“The process of divestment of assets from Naftogaz is related with the court dispute Stockholm (according to NSJC’s restricting plan, the transfer of assets to newly created public enterprises will begin after the ruling of Stockholm arbitrage - ET). As soon as we have the decision, we will get an answer to this question (when will Naftogaz be liquidated?) ”, he said.

Kistion noted that GTS unbundling from Naftogaz will happen within max. three months after the court ruling comes into force.

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