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Two European Companies Want to Lease Ukraine’s GTS – Mass Media

Monday, 23 October 2017 16:47

During the third gas forum on October 12, it was announced about the joint proposal of Italian and Slovak gas transportation companies for using Ukrainian GTS after 2020, when the “transit” contract with Russia’s Gazprom will expire, according to DT.UA, ET reports.

The author notes that Italian Snam S. p.A and Slovak Eustream a.s. are ready to lease the part of Ukrainian GTS.

As reported, this topic may be discussed next week during the annual gas conference with direct participation of the shareholder of Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC – Cabinet of Ministers and the public holding management.

“In any case, the Italian and Slovak proposal deserves attention, because the proposed format of cooperation or gas transportation systems does not require either privatization, or change of ownership structure of gas transportation system or underground gas storages of Ukraine”, according to the article.

“But… it requires a political will of Ukraine’s government as the shareholder of Naftogaz to continue transportation of Russian gas through national GTS upon the expiration of a ten-year “transit” contract, concluded in January 2009 with active pressure of the European Commission over Ukraine”, the author writes.

“Irrespective of the decision of Stockholm Arbitrage, anticipated within the next few weeks. Irrespective of whether the managers will want not Naftogaz, but an independent operator of the gas transportation system of Ukraine, to negotiate with Gazprom and conclude a new contract for gas transportation in EU on new terms”, she summarized.

Previously, during the interview with ET, Vice Prime Minister Kistion stated about the necessity of liquidation of Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC.  

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