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One More Gas Trader Enters Ukraine’s Market

Monday, 06 November 2017 17:07

The Ukrainian subsidiary company of the International Energy Trader AOT Energy 9, registered in Switzerland, can receive license for gas supply on Ukraine’s territory, according to the Draft Decision of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission, Ukrinform reports quoting enkorr.

The license will allow the company to directly supply gas to end consumers in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian subsidiary company AOT Energy Ukraine LLC is based in Kyiv, July 14. 100% of the authorized capital, which is UAH 1.5 mln, belongs to Swiss AOT Gas Holding AG. Alexander Marchenko is the director of Ukrainian company.

The gas trade is the main business activity of AOT Energy Ukraine LLC. In addition, the company can deal with wholesale trade with other types of fuel as well as auxiliary services on oil and gas production.

From June 2016, AOT Energy sells gas to Ukrainian gas traders through its Polish company AOT Energy Poland. From March 2017, Naftogaz started purchasing AOT Energy Poland.

Currently, about 10 Ukrainian companies purchase imported gas from this trader.

It should be reminded that previously, the international traders Trafigura, MET Holding, DufEnergy opened its representative offices in Ukraine.

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