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PrivatBank Promises UAH 5 Billion to Small Business

Friday, 01 December 2017 16:41

In 2018, Privatbank promises to allocate UAH 5 billion for the program of financial support of Ukrainian business and entrepreneurship, Head of SMB Division of PrivatBank Sergei Kliuev said, FinClub reports.

According to him, the bank will actively finance individual entrepreneurs and small business under five dedicated programs.

Under the national program “CUBE”, the entrepreneurs will be able to obtain funding, amounting from 50 ths to 500 ths UAH for development and expanding of the business.

The programs ‘Credit limit for account’ offers credit limits for up to 1 mln hryvnias for making current business payments.

As is noted, the private farmers and agricultural companies will be able to use the credit line “Agroseason” for financing the agricultural cycle as well as programs for leasing cars, equipment and agricultural equipment.

PrivatBank services 550 ths entrepreneurs.

Reportedly, in December 2016, upon the proposal of NBU and shareholders of PrivatBank, the largest of whom were Igor Kolomoysky and Bogoliubov, the government took the decision on nationalization of this largest financial institution on Ukrainian market.

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