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Czech IT Corporation Unicorn Systems Can Integrate Energy System of Ukraine into EU

Tuesday, 12 December 2017 17:38

The well-known Czech IT corporation Unicorn Systems will help integrating the energy system of Ukraine into EU standards, CEO of Unicorn Yan Yarosh told lb.ua, Ukrainian News reports.

This year, Unicorn Systems implemented IT solutions Damas for Ukrenergo NEC. Thanks to them, the state enterprise can support trade of trans-border traffic carrying capacity.

“Ukraine wants to integrate into the European Union. Under this initiative, it should perform certain standard functions in energy transfer. That is why this project is very important. Without the trade of traffic carrying capacity, the issue of electrical energy transfer between Ukraine and EU countries will be extremely difficult. The same relates to the potential transit of electrical energy from Russia to Western Europe”, Yan Yarosh states.

Unicorn Systems cooperates with all system operators of electrical energy transfer in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Netherlands, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Italy, Romania, Albania and Ukraine. The cooperation was also established with energy generating companies, which sell electrical energy to end users. They include Veolia, E.ON, Innogy and others. For them, the company provides solutions, which help in forecasting the consumption, planning and sale of electrical energy and gas.

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