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Omelyan Tells About Blockchain Prospects in Infrastructure

Thursday, 29 March 2018 17:15

Minister of Infrastructure Vladimir Omelyan told about the prospects of Blockchain technology development in Ukrainian infrastructure, he said during the conference “Blockchain and Bitcoin Conference” on Thursday, ET reports.

According to him, one of the main priorities of the Ministry of Infrastructure is to minimize the influence of officials on the data in state registers and permitting procedures.

Omelyan named three main goals for converting all possible registers into Blockchain.

The first – connecting e-services to Blockchain technology.

“The first pilot projects in this direction include the creation of the bus transportation register and conversion of the register into Blockchain with further launch of the national train booking system that will allow protecting from internal manipulations and external hacker attacks, as well as eliminating the carriers, who do not act in good faith”, the minister said.

Secondly, it is planned to create the register of investment projects, where all key information will also be converted to Blockchain.

And the third goal, which Omelyan announced, is the implementation of the elements of staffing table in the sphere management.

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