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Supreme Court of Ukraine Stops Transferring Bank’s Collateral Property to Debtors

Monday, 11 June 2018 16:10

The Supreme Court of Ukraine terminated the ruling of Judge of Kyiv Economic Court Sivakova, which she passed in 2016 in favor of Kakhovka Prom agro - the company, which belongs to Segal brothers. The ruling of the Supreme Court of Ukraine dd. June 1, 2018, decides "to terminate enforcing the ruling of Kyiv Economic Court dated 25.02.2016 and the ruling of Kyiv Economic Court of Appeal dated 16.04.2018 on the case No. 910/16594/15 until the end of their revision under the cassation procedure", ukranews.com reports.

Based on Sivakova's ruling, dated February 25, 2016, Segal received opportunity to fight for a factory that served as collateral for Segals’ loans at Nadra Bank and was sold by the bank after Segals terminated servicing loans that were pledged by the factory.

Based on Sivakova's ruling, during the last year and a half, a number of attempts were made to physically seize the factory. The last attack occurred with the use of firearms and was stopped only after the intervention of the Minister of Internal Affairs Avakov.

Sivakova's ruling also became a precedent for a number of other rulings of economic courts, as per which the banks lost the right to sell collateral property of defaulting borrowers. These rulings jeopardized the possibility of bank lending to enterprises.

In May 2018, the Individual Deposit Insurance Fund reported pressure from Segal brothers. As stated in IDIF’s press release, Segals claim that IDIF grants Vesdix offshore the right to claim from Kahovka Prom agro the loan and reduction of the debt to Nadra from UAH 128 to 40 million.

The Individual Deposit Insurance Fund stated that 98% of loans of legal entities issued before 2009 by PJSC KB Nadra (at the time when Segal brothers were the bank's shareholders and Igor Gilenko was its Chairman) are insider and have become a tool for withdrawing almost UAH 8 billion.

Nadra bank’s forensic audit conducted by KPMG, confirmed these data.

In particular, Segals’ enterprise Kahovka Prom agro, which is specified in the ruling of the Supreme Court, currently owes UAH 128 million to the state.

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