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Large European Construction Concern Plans to Enter Ukrainian Market

Tuesday, 26 June 2018 16:28

The Austrian company Strabag, one of the largest construction concerns in Europe, plans to enter the Ukrainian market soon, Minister of Infrastructure Volodymyr Omelian informed, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

The minister told that recently, he had respective negotiations with Strabag executives. According to Omelian, the block of company’s shares, connected with Russian businessperson Oleg Deripaska, who fell under U.S. and Ukrainian sanctions, is frozen and that is why it cannot serve as the impediment for Strabag operation in Ukraine.

In addition, the minister added that the creation of the Road Fund guarantees the growing funding of road building works and attracts large construction companies to Ukraine.

Societas Europaea, the Austrian construction company, is one of the largest construction concerns of Europe. Except for its activities on “domestic” markets of Austria and Germany, the company has multiple representative offices in Eastern and South European countries.

Strabag SE owns 90% of shares of the German division of the concern, Strabag AG, with the head office in Cologne. Strabag SE also owns 100% shares of Ed. Zublin AG in Stuttgart. The main shareholders of Strabag SE are Haselsteiner Group, Raiffeisen-Holding Niederösterreich-Wien Group, UNIQA Group, as well as Rasperia Trading Limited, belonging to the Russian entrepreneur Oleg Deripaska.

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