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Within 5 Years, Denmark Will Allocate UAH 2.2 Bln for Supporting Ukraine

Tuesday, 26 June 2018 16:31

Within the next 5 years, Denmark will allocate 530 mln Danish krones (UAH 2.2 bln), according to the article of the Prime Ministers of Ukraine and Denmark, published on the website of European Truth.

The funds will be allocated for supporting the effective management, human rights protection and sustainable economic growth in Ukraine.

Prime Ministers Volodymyr Groisman and Lars Lokke Rasmussen note that the international support of Ukrainian efforts, aimed at the reforms, is especially important against RF efforts to stop the western course of Ukraine.

“The further upholding of European values and construction of the reformed and prosperous society is the part of response to this challenge for Ukraine. Europe is interested in supporting these efforts”, as noted in the article.

It should be noted that on June 27, the Conference on the Reforms in Ukraine will be held in Copenhagen. As Prime Ministers note, its goal is to speed up the pace of reforms in Ukraine.

“The conference in Copenhagen is not just a place, where the officials gather. This event will also become the driver of reforms in Ukraine and aboard, the driver of reformed Ukraine and its close partnership with international society”, according to the article.

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