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Ukravtodor Signs Memorandum on Construction of Concessionary Road around Kyiv

Tuesday, 26 June 2018 16:33

Ukravtodor and the French construction company Bouygues Travaux Publics SAS signed the memorandum on developing a preliminary feasibility study of concessionary construction and operation of the road Kyiv-Belaya Tserkov as well as the first stage of the Big Ring Road of the capital, the Office of the National Investment Council informed, CTS reports.

It refers to new directions of specified roads; in case with the Big Ring Road, it refers to the section between auto roads M-06 Kyiv-Chop to M-05 Kyiv-Odessa.

It is noted that Bouygues Group operates in 90 countries of the world and has capital of over €15 bln.

“For international investors, Ukraine’s entry of the French company Bouygues, which is present at 90 countries of the world, is a positive sign. We expect that the new law on concessions, which the Parliament should adopt this summer, will attract more companies with the global name to Ukrainian transport infrastructure”, Advisor to the Minister of Infrastructure Nadezhda Kaznacheeva said, adding that the cooperation with Bouygues started back in December 2017.

It was previously reported that the Verkhovna Rada adopted the law, which allows transferring, on terms of concession, the public roads for construction and operation.

It should be reminded that in late August, Advisor to CEO of Ukravtodor Alexander Kava reported that the cost of travel through the first toll road in Ukraine, which will connect Kyiv and Belaya Tserkov, will cost drivers almost €4.5 with average rate of 9 eurocents per kilometer.

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