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Government Finds Way to Reduce Gas Prices

Thursday, 26 July 2018 16:32

The government is ready to put on electronic auctions 44 land plots with the gas reserves, totaling 150 billion cubic meters, Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman said during the government session, ET reports.

“Today, we will decide on opening information about the geospatial data and holding auctions. We have already prepared 44 land plots with the gas reserves, equaling 150 bln cubic meters, which require investment and technologies”, he said.

“Our task is to open all geospatial data about resources, allow Ukrainian and global business to come and produce Ukrainian gas, based on transparent auctions, in order we refuse from the gas import”, Groisman said.

“As soon as we refuse from import, we will immediately decrease the gas prices, and we will not depend on the global gas price environment”, he added.

It should be reminded that in July, the State Service of Geology and Resources extended 39 special permissions for the resource management for Ukrgasvydobuvannya for 20 years.

As is known, Ukraine has the resources, available for production, totaling 452.8 billion cubic meters of gas, which will be enough for 22 years, taking into account the current pace of production.

In 2017, the gas production in Ukraine was about 20 billion cubic meters.

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