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Apple Will Release New Budget Mac Mini – Bloomberg

Tuesday, 21 August 2018 17:17

The last time the company updated the Mac mini in 2014.

The updated Mac Mini will get a new processor and memory options, which will make it more productive.

The American company Apple plans to release an updated version of budget computers Mac mini, intended for professional use. This is reported by Bloomberg referring to sources familiar with the company's plans, writes korrespondent.net.

According to the agency, the updated Mac Mini will receive a new processor and memory options, which will make it more productive, but at the same time it will be expensive compared to the previous generation model for 2005. Now this model costs about $500.

The last time the company updated the Mac mini in 2014, the agency said.

In addition, Apple is preparing for the autumn presentation of three more models of the iPhone, an Apple Watch with a larger screen, updated tablets, as well as a new version of the MacBook Air with a 13-inch Retina display.

It is expected that Apple's computer innovations will be presented in the framework of a separate event scheduled for October.

Earlier, the analytical company TrendForce named the likely cost of the new iPhone, the presentation of which will take place this fall.

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