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Trump Releases Several Countries from Steel and Aluminum Tariffs

Thursday, 30 August 2018 16:50

US President Donald Trump signed an order to release several countries from US steel and aluminum tariffs, UNN reported quoting Deutsche Welle.

South Korea and Brazil, released from steel tariffs, and Argentina, which received steel and aluminum benefits, came under the privileges.

"Companies (from the US - Ed.) may apply for exclusion from tariff in the event of inadequate quantity or quality of products made of aluminum or steel from US manufacturers", the US Department of Commerce reported.
Previously, referring to national security issues, Trump set restrictive tariffs of 25 percent on steel imports and 10 percent on aluminum imports in the United States. The tariffs on the products from the EU, Canada and Mexico entered into force on June 1.

Before that, on May 31, Commerce Minister Wilbur Ross said that some countries reached agreements on in-tariff restrictions on the export of steel and aluminum products to the United States. In particular, Ross specified that the agreement with South Korea was that in 2015-2017, the tariffs were 70 percent of the average steel exports to the United States.

It should be reminded that the United States filed a lawsuit against the WTO against Russia because of additional fees.

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