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Magomed Musayev Becomes Owner of Russia’s Forbes

Friday, 31 August 2018 16:56

As INTERFAX.RU reports, Magomed Musayev becomes the new owner of Russia’s Forbes, its former chief editor Nikolai Uskov will return to the new editorial director's post, the journal’s editor-in-chief Nikolai Mazurin will act as the chief editor again.

"Forbes Russia changed its owner on August 30, 2018. Businessman Magomed Musayev bought 100% of shares of AC RUS MEDIA from Alexander Fedotov, the owner of the brand; Forbes Media LLC extended the license for Forbes in Russia to 2023”, according to the statement, received by Interfax from the journal’s former publisher – the media group ACMG.

Natalia Gandurina is the publisher of Forbes. "The structures of Magomed Musayev will assume repayment of tax debts and other payments to Forbes Russia. Natalia Gandurina and Nikolai Uskov agreed to withdraw their claims against the company AC RUS MEDIA. In turn, Alexander Fedotov withdrew the claim against Nikolai Uskov", the statement says.

The rights holder of the brand, Forbes Media LLC, approved the transfer of Forbes Russia to the structures of Magomed Musayev, the report says.

The owner of ACMG Fedotov, whose words are included in the release, expressed his gratitude to Musaev for the fact that "during difficult time for the company, he found an opportunity to come to the rescue".

Previously, a conflict occurred between the editors of the Russian Forbes and its publisher, the media group ACMG. During it, Uskov was removed from office, and the employees of the magazine were detained for half a month. Later, Uskov filed a claim for reinstatement. In turn, Fedotov filed a lawsuit to protect the honor and dignity of the former chief editor.

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