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Trump States Germany’s Willingness to Purchase Gas from U.S

Tuesday, 23 October 2018 16:52

45th U.S. President Donald Trump stated that Germany wants to purchase gas from Washington, U.S. President told journalists, according to the official website of the White House, UNN reports.

“And look what happens in Germany in respect to the gas pipeline, they want to start purchasing our natural gas”, Trump said.

Previously, The Wall Street Journal reported quoting the sources that Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel is willing to provide federal support to the construction of the terminal for reception of the liquefied natural gas in Stade. WSJ interlocutors emphasized that in this case, berlin will be able to protect against sanctions the gas pipeline “Nord Stream 2”, through which the gas will be delivered to the country from Russia.

As UNN previously informed, Donald Trump repeatedly criticized Germany’s purchase of gas from Russia and claimed that the country will become Moscow’s “hostage”, when Nord Stream 2 starts operating. In August, WSJ wrote that U.S. almost completed developing sanctions against the companies, involved in construction of the Russian gas pipeline.

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