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Ukraine to Obtain Visa-Free Regime with EU – Ambassador

Tuesday, 05 April 2016 17:33

Tomorrow, the referendum on Ukrainian question – the last barrier on Kyiv’s path to visa-free regime with EU - is going to take place in Netherlands.

All conditions and obligations for obtaining a visa-free regime have been fulfilled by Ukraine, EU considers.

The European Union will introduce a visa-free regime with Ukraine, Head of the Mission of Ukraine to EU Nikolai Tochytskyi claimed in UNIAN interview.

«It will happen. Because we have fulfilled all undertaken obligations. And we hope that the European Commission will propose a positive decision for consideration of the Council and the European Parliament», he noted.

Tochytskyi is confident that not only Ukrainians will benefit from visa-free regime. «Not only Ukrainians will benefit from it, but also Europeans. This is an opportunity for any exchange – human, cultural, scientific, intellectual, or religious», - emphasized EU Ambassador.

In his turn, as RBC-Ukraine reports, EU Ambassador to Ukraine Jan Tombinski stated that the European Commission will change regulations on provision of visa-free regime for Ukraine.

«All conditions and obligations have been fulfilled by Ukraine. We saw that the Anti-Corruption Agency is working and now the European Commission undertook the obligation to submit a proposal on changing regulation on provision of visa-free regime in Ukraine to the European Parliament», - Tombinski said.

He also added that Ukraine needs to listen to results of Netherlands’ referendum on ratification of association agreement.

«27 countries have already ratified the agreement. Netherlands still have to ratify. We need to do our best to give a positive signal from Ukraine. The result of this referendum will give a response to Dutch parliament», he added.  

It should be noted that President Petro Poroshenko counts on cancellation of EU visas for Ukrainians during Dutch EU presidency (until July).

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