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Texas - US Leader in Terms of Harnessing Renewable Energy Sources

Tuesday, 25 October 2016 15:47

Texas, which always remained the state of oil, unexpectedly became the US leader in terms of harnessing renewable energy sources, especially wind energy. The production of solar energy is also growing in the state, moreover that the price for solar panels is constantly dropping – AmericaRU reports.

The uniqueness of the situation is that the leading posts in Texas government are occupied by the Republicans, who skeptically treat climate change; that is why they do not support the development of alternative energy sources. Nevertheless, the state became the leader in harnessing clean energy all around USA.

Jennifer Ronk, the expert on renewable energy sources in Advanced Research Center in Houston, considers that coal harnessing would probably decrease within the next years in Texas and other places, mainly due to cheaper and clean gas burning. Meanwhile, within the next 10 years, the electrical networks will not shift fully to the sources of clean energy.  According to her, the use of natural gas for electrical generation will continue to be the economically efficient decision.  


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