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Robot Miners and Shelters in Soil. Elon Musk Reveals Details on Mars Colonization

Tuesday, 25 October 2016 15:51

On Reddit site, Elon Musk told how his company SpaceX will colonize the Red Planet, NV.UA reports.

CEO of SpaceX Elon Musk considered many aspects of colonization of Mars and described them on Reddit site.

In one of the most popular of his replies, Musk confirmed that he will really call his spaceship for Mars colonization “Heart of Gold”. The fans of Douglas Adams’ Book “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy”, from which the apparatus name is taken, are delighted and declare their love to Musk.

CEO of SpaceX also told about the stages of the Red Planet research. According to him, first the special capsules Dragon will fly to Mars. They will be used for intelligence purposes and clarification of the best ways to obtain water as per Sabatier reaction – from oxygen and methane.

Then, the unmanned spaceship Heart of Gold will deliver materials for creating the base of the plant for production of missile fuel, and the first mission with the flight crew will commission this plant. Then SpaceX will send a new mission to Mars each 26 months, before the colony will not fully supply itself with fuel.

Musk’s company is developing a new alloy, incredibly resistant to oxidation – for the turbo pump of the oxidizer, which will have to work under the pressure of 300 bars. The first tests, according to Musk, encourage optimism.

In addition, Musk believes that the shelters for the first inhabitants on Mars will be located inside the planet, while the cupolas will be created for daily life on the surface. These shelters will be built by robot miners and other droids.


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