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Experts: Russia’s Conflict with NATO – One of Main Threats of 2017

Wednesday, 14 December 2016 15:53

US experts, surveyed by the Council on Foreign Relations, said that the possible conflict between Russia and NATO is one of the main threats of 2017 for the USA, BBC reports.

According to experts, the probability of such conflict is moderate; however, its consequences may be extremely harsh.

The conflict may represent “the deliberate or accidental confrontation between Russia and NATO countries, resulting from aggressive behavior of Russia in Eastern Europe”.

According to experts, the possible nuclear crisis in North Korea is other very important threat of the upcoming year. The probability of this scenario is high; however, the implications are less serious for Washington, as experts consider.

This is the ninth research on possible threats for the USA, prepared by US Council on Foreign Relations. It is one of the largest country’s private analytical companies, consisting of 5 thousand people.

Once per two months, the Council publishes the journal, deemed as the most authoritative in terms of US external policy.

About 500 governmental officials and foreign policy experts participated in the survey, which provided the basis for this report. 


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