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Trump Signs Order on Renovation of Construction of Two Oil Pipelines

Wednesday, 25 January 2017 16:07

US President Donald Trump signed the order on renovation of construction of Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines – BBC reports.

The White House specified that the conditions for construction of both oil pipelines will be discussed again.

According to Trump, the large-scale layout of Keystone XL pipeline, through which the oil should be delivered from Canada to US oil processing enterprises, will create “many jobs, 28 thousand jobs, good construction jobs”.

The environmental protection organizations perceived Trump’s decision extremely negatively. Green Peace claimed that Trump should better focus its efforts on the development of the pure energy sector.

The experts also remind that most of the created jobs will be temporary.

President Trump also limited the activities of US Environmental Protection Agency: the agency will not be able to award new grants, and the employees are forbidden to publish information on social networks and communicate with journalists. It is not clear either if this ban is temporary or constant, as US Senate did not approve the candidacy of Scott Pruitt for a new head of agency.

Pruitt is one of major critics of the theory of global warming, who made his name on the lawsuits against the agency, which he accused of the groundless fight against the environmental pollution.

In 2015, US Former President Barack Obama imposed veto on construction of Keystone XL, which is designed for pumping 800 thousand barrels of oil per day. In the meantime, in early 2015, US Congress approved the construction of the oil pipeline.

According to Obama, the construction of oil pipeline does not meet US national interests and is contrary to Washington’s intention to prevent negative consequences of global warming.

Last December, the construction of Dakota Access was stopped due to multiple protests of indigenous citizens of the Indian reservation, which considered that the construction poses an ecologic threat for their settlements. US authorities claimed about the readiness to develop alternative ways of laying the pipeline.

The citizens of the Indian reservation Standing Rock already claimed that Trump’s decision violates the law. They are ready to challenge it in court.

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