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US Ambassador to UN Says that Trump Views Russia as Problem

Thursday, 06 April 2017 17:46

US Ambassador to UN Nikki Hayley said that US President Donald Trump views Russia as the problem, RIA News reports quoting France-Presse.

“What they did with the Crimea and Ukraine… and how they cover (the Syria’s President Bashar) Assad. Because of such things, we do not intend to make concession to them”, she said on the sidelines of the annual forum Women in the World Summit.

“I had conversations with the President, in which he viewed Russia as the problem”, the US ambassador added.

The relationships of Russia and the West worsened due to the situation in Ukraine. Kyiv repeatedly accused Moscow of interference in Ukraine’s matters. Russia denies it and considers such accusations unacceptable. Moscow repeatedly said that it is not the party to the internal Ukrainian conflict and not involved in the war on the Southeast and wants Ukraine to overcome the political and economic crisis.

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