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UK Decides to Improve Relationships with Russia

Thursday, 06 April 2017 17:48

UK authorities intend to improve the relationships with Russia, hoping that the USA will do the same, RNS reports quoting the Independent and other sources.

The decision of the British government on the renewal of relationships with Russia was discussed in March, taking in account the planned visit of UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Boris Johnson in Moscow for the first time for the last five years. In late March, Johnson announced that he will have to reschedule his visit to Moscow due to the meeting of foreign ministers of NATO member countries.

One of the newspaper sources, the high-ranking European diplomat, noted that the relationships with Russia need to be reconsidered taking into account how the administration of US President Donald Trump will do it. Thesourcenotesthattheincreasing presence of Russia in the Middle East and North Africa hasimpactonit.

“It is very important, taking into account the increasing presence of Russia in the Middle East and North Africa. We do not shrink from our denunciation of the annexation of the Crimea by Russia. In the meantime, we see that we need to speak with Moscow”, the source said.

The other source notes that the United Kingdom should attempt to improve relationships with Russia only “because the USA is going to do it”. The influence of the work of Trump’s administration on the United Kingdom is evident, and, according to the source, it is important for the USA and for the United Kingdom, especially due to the withdrawal of the latter from EU.

Terrorism is also one of key problems for discussion by the countries.

“There exists the necessity in the dialogue. We saw horrible events in London and St. Petersburg, and there is a common terrorism threat. And we will not be able to discuss terrorism and its countermeasures without discussion and attempt to discuss the issues of Syria and Lebanon”, the source told.

In March, it became known that Johnson intends to visit Russia by invitation of Sergei Lavrov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The crisis in Ukraine, in Syria, the terrorism threat and others are among the questions, which both countries intend to discuss during the meeting.

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