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Former Chief of Pentagon: under Trump, US-Russia Relationships Deteriorated

Monday, 15 May 2017 15:43

Former US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said during his interview to CBS News that after the election of Donald Trump as the President, the relationships between Russia and the United States deteriorated, RIA News reports.

“I think that one of the things, which surprised people, is that after the elections, the relationships between Russia and the USA really worsened”, Gates said. He noted that Trump “does not make any concessions” to Russia. Gates also added that there exists the “harsh contrast” between how the White House treats China and Russia.

Commenting on the US administration meeting with RF Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov, Gates noted that Soviet Ministers of Foreign Ministers “routinely arrived constantly”; that is why the meeting itself “is not a big matter”. Gates emphasized that the “politics and actions” are important, and US citizens “were extremely prejudiced” (against Russia).  

On Wednesday, Sergei Lavrov conducted negotiations with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in Washington, and then US President Donald Trump accepted Russian Minister in the White House.

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