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Clinton Criticizes Trump’s Budget

Wednesday, 24 May 2017 17:40

Former U.S. Secretary of State criticized the reduction of the funding of social programs.

Hilary Clinton, who lost to US President Donald Trump at the election race, said that the budget, proposed by the White House for 2018 FY, is cruel, Correspondent.net reports, quoting The Hill.

Delivering speech at the children’s charity fund-raiser, Clinton noted that the budget “reached the unimaginable level of cruelty”.

“This administration is mounting an onslaught against the needs of children, people with disabilities, women and seniors. Poverty is neither a crime, nor a character flaw”, Clinton said.

It should be reminded that on May 22, Trump’s administration proposed the budget for 2018 FY, amounting to USD 4.1 trln. In the meantime, it is proposed reducing social programs for a total amount of USD 3.6 trillion for 10 years.

In particular, it is proposed cutting Medicaid funding by USD 1.4 trillion. It is also planned to cut the non-defense budget by another 1.5 trillion. In addition, it is intended to cut the budget of anti-poverty programs by USD 274 billion and the program of free food stamps by USD 193 billion.

It should be noted that in order to come into force, the draft budget should obtain the approval from both Houses of the Congress and the President’s signature.

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