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U.S. Can Fulfill “Climatic” Obligations even after Withdrawal from Paris Agreement

Tuesday, 04 July 2017 17:02

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated that the United State will be able to fulfill undertaken obligations, arising out of Paris Agreement, despite the withdrawal from the deal, Voice of America reports.

Special Envoy for Climate Change Michael Rubens Bloomberg said to Guterres that he is “confident” that the United States will achieve goals, stipulated in the Paris Agreement. Guterres added that it is possible as some U.S. states, cities and companies are committed to green energy.

While delivering the speech in Lisbon, he stated that the decision of Donald Trump about the withdrawal from the global Paris Agreement strengthened the agreement, encouraging other countries to acknowledge their obligations on these intentions. As an example, he called China, India and EU member states.

Last month, Trump reported that he withdraws U.S. from this important global agreement, aimed against the global warming.  

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