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Russia Considers Imposition of New Sanctions from U.S. as Declaration of Trade War

Thursday, 03 August 2017 17:55


Russiaconsidersthatthe imposition of new sanctions from the U.S. is the declaration of trade war, Prime Minister of Russia Dmitri Medvedev wrote in Facebook, Ukrainian News reports.

“The U.S. President signing of a new sanction law against Russia will create several consequences. Firstly, it puts an end to any hope for improvement of our relationships with new U.S. administration. Secondly, the full-scale trade war was declared to Russia. Thirdly, Trump’s administration demonstrated full paralysis, he delegated his executive authority to the Congress in the most humiliating manner. It changes the alignment of forces in U.S. political circles”, he wrote.

Medvedev forecasts that the future relationships between Russia and the U.S. will be extremely tense irrespective of the composition of the Congress and the person of the President.

In addition, the continuous confrontations, the further increase in international tension and the refusal from solving the most important international problems lie ahead in international bodies and courts.

“Amid the almost closed financial markets, the foreign lenders and investors fear to invest in Russia under pain of sanctions against third parties and states. Somehow, it was even beneficial for us; however, the sanctions are, in general, senseless. We will handle it”, he added.  

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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