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UN Security Council Resolution: U.S. Proposes Imposing Oil Embargo against DPRK

Thursday, 07 September 2017 16:40

The draft resolution of the UN Security Council, developed by the U.S., on DPRK proposes freezing assets of DPRK’s leader Kim Jong-un and imposing an oil embargo.

As New Time reports quoting Mirror Online, the document also proposes banning North Korea from exporting the textile and refusing from the services of North Korean worker .

These measures are the part of the package of sanctions, aimed at strengthening economic pressure on DPRK in response to the sixth nuclear weapon test.

It should be reminded that President of South Korea Moon Jae-in proposed imposing an oil embargo against DPRK, banning the export of workforce and suspending the receipts of foreign currency.

On September 3, North Korea reported about the successful test of the H-bomb. According to South Korea, the explosive yield might be up to 100 kilotons. This is approximately four-five times stronger that the nuclear bomb, dropped on Nagasaki in 1945 during the World War II.

It was the six DPRK’s nuclear test since 2016. The global community strongly condemns such actions of the country.

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