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Trump’s Attorney Agrees to Testify in Senate in Case Concerning Russia’s Interference in U.S. Elections – Mass Media

Tuesday, 19 September 2017 16:30

U.S. President Donald Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen will testify in the Senate in a case concerning Russia’s interference with U.S. elections, New Time reports quoting CNN.

According to mass media, the hearings are scheduled for Tuesday, September 19.

It is noted that Cohen’s appearance in the Senate is his voluntary decision. The Senate also announced that other defendants in the case will be subpoenaed.

Previously, Donald Trump Jr. testified in the Senate.

After the elections of U.S. President in autumn 2016, the Central Intelligence Agency came to conclusion that Russia’s hacker attacks of U.S. official institutions were aimed directly at supporting Donald Trump, but not discrediting the process of democratic votes itself.

Later, U.S. national intelligence posted online an unclassified version of the report on “Russia’s interference with elections”. The document also has the secret version, which was previously presented to Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

According to the document, President of Russia Vladimir Putin ordered to conduct hacker attacks in order to impact U.S. elections.

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