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In Davos, CEO of eBay Calls Technology Sector as New Type of Economy

Wednesday, 24 January 2018 17:46

The technologies is not the sector. The technologies is a new economy, CEO of eBay Devin Wenig said at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

“The education system is not ready for such a type of economy. In U.S., currently we discuss the immigration. But we do it without mentioning the topic of education. And it shocks me. Because these things are two sides of one medal”, he said, Finance.ua reports quoting The Mirror of the Week.

Director of London School of Economics and Political Science Minouche Shafik considers that the newest technologies will soon automate the monotonous and routine work. That is why for successful work, people need to develop the so-called “light”, creative skills.

“People need to learn how to analyze information, to use it, investigate it. People will also need to have the ability to constantly learn something. And we should give people instruments do that they could reshape their professional life in future”, she said.

In its turn, Chief Executive Director and President of The Boston Consulting Group Rich Lesser noted that the technologies will change the logic of globalization and will place production closer to markets.

It will be more profitable to manufacture products closer to their sales market. It is one of replacement in globalization. Its other result, which I consider to be positive, is the fact that a large international sales infrastructure has appeared.

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