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Qualcomm Plans to Withdraw from Server Processor Production Business

Friday, 11 May 2018 16:27

One more developer is going to withdraw from new race – to leave the emerging market of ARM server platforms. And not the rookie, as, for example, Calxeda, which curtailed developments in 2014, but one of the main supporters of promoting ARM server decisions – Qualcomm, finance.ua reports quoting servernews.

As Bloomberg reports quoting the anonymous sources inside the company, currently, Qualcomm’s management is testing the waters for selecting one of the options: just liquidate the server processor development division or find the buyer for this type of activities.

In any case, it will have negative influence on the community, supporting ARM server processors. The rise of server platforms was expected not later than 2016. The first half of 2018 is almost over, and there are not still any massive decisions in this field.

It is interesting that a bit more than half a year passed after the start of commercial supplies of 48-core, 10nm processor Qualcomm Centriq 2400. According to the developers, in terms of energy efficiency and the cost parameter, Centriq 2400 processors significantly topped 28-core processors Intel Xeon Platinum 8180. In November, Microsoft showed the server on Qualcomm Centriq 2400 processors and obvious interest in such decisions.

Since then, nothing new about the use of Centriq 2400 processors was reported in any systems, while the silence in this case testifies about the absence of interest in novelties. Everything returned again to x86-compatible platforms Intel Xeon; moreover, just last autumn, the first Skylake Xeon server models were released; and everybody started purchasing time proved decisions.

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