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U.S. Does not Exclude Probability of Imposing Sanctions on European Companies, Cooperating with Iran

Monday, 14 May 2018 16:16

National Security Advisor of the United States John Bolton does not rule out the probability of secondary sanctions, which U.S. may impose on European companies, cooperating with Iran, CNN reports.

Bolton claimed that such decision depends on the actions of other governments.

The politician expressed hope that some European countries will support U.S., despite the comments of European leaders that they do not support Trump’s decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran.

“I think that the Europeans will see that it is in their interests to ultimately agree with that”, the advisor noted.

Bolton also encouraged turning attention to the fundamental shortcomings of this deal. According to him, the agreement “did not prevent Iran from obtaining the nuclear weapon, but, on the contrary, provided Iran with a cover for continuing its activities as well as superfluous economic benefits without any guarantees for cutting off production of the nuclear weapon”.

He added that Iran “never took a strategic decision to refuse from nuclear weapon”. The Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program, which virtually continued without obstruction, may serve as the proof of that, Bolton stated.

It should be reminded that on May 8, U.S. President Donald Trump stated about the withdrawal from the nuclear program of Iran and announced new sanctions against Iranian regime.

The historic deal on the Iran’s Nuclear Program dated 2015 provides for lifting some part of sanctions from Iran in return for restricting its capabilities on enrichment and possession of nuclear materials. Trump call the deal unfair and doubted that it will limit Teheran’s nuclear ambitions.

EU and Russian Federation opposed withdrawal from the agreement.

Trump also intends to instantaneously impose sanctions against any foreign companies, which will run business with Iran. The period from 3 to 6 months is provided for the firms, which already work in Iran; otherwise, the access to U.S. market will be closed for them.

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